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Decorum Athletics
Team Registration Form

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No refunds: If you are unable to make payment please contact Brooke Greer. All uniforms and apparel after payment are owned by parents/players for them to keep. By signing this form, I agree to these terms:

Decorum Baseball registration of $395.96 includes: Uniforms, League fee, admin fee (insurance & team administration needs), and the WIX transaction fee. This does not include field fee, banquet, or team bonding fees that will need to be fundraised. 

Decorum Elite Football 9u/11u registration of $475 includes: (4) Uniforms including sweat suit and bag, League fee, Admin fee (insurance), and WIX transaction fee. This fee does not include field fee, banquet or team bonding fees that will need to be fundraised. If your athlete tryouts for the team and do not make the roster, you will receive a full refund.

11u Registration Deadline (May 4th)

9u Registration Deadline (June 9th)


12u registration (May 4th Deadline) of $514.50 includes: (4) Uniforms including sweat suit and bag, League fee, admin fee (insurance & team administration needs), WIX transaction fee, AND Facemask paint fee through Gridiron. This does not include field fee, banquet, or team bonding fees that will need to be fundraised. 

For both 11u/12u if your athlete tries out and doesn't make the team your will get a FULL refund. 

Cheerleading registration (April 21st Deadline) of $295 includes: (4) Uniforms including sweat suit and backpack insurance & team administration needs, and WIX transaction fee. This does not include field fee, banquet, team bonding events, and poms and bows which payment will be asked for in April.

Universal Permission and Medical Statement

In consideration of my child or ward participating in the Decorum Athletics dba Christian Student Athletes Foundation 501©3 and with full knowledge of the risks of injury, such as sprains, fractures, paralysis, or even death, I, for myself, my spouse, my child or ward, and my and their heirs, administrators, successors, and assigns, hereby authorize the Decorum Athletics coaches, assistant coaches, officers, directors and volunteers, along with tournament sponsors, directors, officials and volunteers, to administer emergency medical treatment to my child or ward for and injury or other medical emergency while at practice, at game, at a tournament or while traveling to or from any of these events. This permission and consent extends the right to those enumerated above to arrange for medical treatment by a licensed or certified physician and/or other medical personnel, and for them to apply such emergency techniques which, in their judgement, them deem appropriate to treat an injury or illness sustained by my child or ward.

Release Claims

On behalf of myself, my spouse, my above-named child or ward, and my and their heirs, administrators, successors and assigns, I hereby waive, release and discharge Decorum Athletics and its insurers, predecessors, successors, assigns, officers, directors, employees attorneys, agents, coaches, volunteers, members and participants from any and all claims, obligations and liabilities that may presently exist or that may exist in the future arising from any injuries to the person or property of my above-named child or ward that resulted from or related to, or that in the future may result from or relate to his/hers participation in any Decorum Athletics activity including, but not limited to, his/her participation in Decorum Athletics sponsored games, clinics, practices, his travel in connection with such activities, and the administration of emergency medical care as authorized in this document . I further verify that my child or ward is physically fit to enter these basketball, baseball, football, and cheerleading programs. I have read and fully understand the above statements.

Baseball has 50/50 payment option: partial payment due on or before January 20th and remaining payment is due on or before February 24th. 

Football is able to create a reoccurring payment plan after the first $130 payment. Please choose below that payment option below. 

Select an item ($)

Thank you for Registering!

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